Acute Stroke Protocol (BI 2005)

Acute stroke patients with known time of onset < 3 hours for tPA and < 6 hours for experimental treatment

Clinical presentation: aphasia, ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, facial weakness, visual loss, hemiparesis, quadriparesis, hemisensory loss

Call a Stroke Code and state Stroke Code and give location of patient…this activates the Stroke Code Team

  • Order a “Stroke Protocol” STAT head CT w/o contrast
  • Draw blood for SMA-7, CBC with platelets, PT/INR/PTTT, T&S
  • Check finger stick glucose should be > 50 but < 400
  • Check blood pressure: should be < 185 systolic and < 110 diastolic before giving tPA
  • Perform NIHSS (see reverse)
  • Review history for possible contraindications for thrombolysis
Contraindications for thrombolysis (tPA):
  • Stroke onset > 3 hours
  • Rapidly improving or minor symptoms
  • Seizure at onset
  • FSG < 50 or > 400
  • Inability to easily lower SBP < 185 or DBP < 110
  • Suspicion of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • Intracerebral hemorrhage on CT
  • H/o intracranial neoplasm, AVM, or aneurysm
  • Any prior history of intracranial hemorrhage
  • Head trauma, intracranial or spinal surgery or stroke within 3 months
  • Major surgery within 2 weeks
  • GI or GU hemorrhage < 21 days
  • Noncompressible arterial puncture < 7 days
  • Warfarin use with INR > 1.7 or PT > 15 secs
  • Heparin use < 48 hours with elevated PTT
  • Platelets < 100,000


For tPA CONTROL BP: goal < 185 systolic and < 110 diastolic Rx: Suggest 10-20 mg IV Labetaolol over 1-2 minutes and may repeat x1

  • Check BP q 15 minutes

TIME IS BRAIN: Rx earlier is better for BEST outcome



1a LOC alert 0
drowsy 1
stuporous 2
coma 3
1b LOC questions answers both correctly 0
(month, age) answers one correctly 1
both incorrect 2
1c LOC commands obeys both correctly 0
(open and close eyes, obeys one correctly 1
make fist, let go) both incorrect 2
2 Best Gaze normal 0
partial gaze palsy 1
forced deviation 2
3 Visual no visual loss 0
partial hemianopia 1
complete hemianopia 2
bilaterial hemianopia 3
4 Facial Palsy normal 0
minor 1
partial 2
Complete 3
5a Motor Arm Left No drift 0
Drift 1
Can’t resist gravity 2
No effort against gravity 3
No movement 4
5b Motor Arm Right SCORE SAME as 5a  
6a Motor Leg Left no drift 0
drift 1
can’t resist gravity 2
no effort against gravity 3
no movement 4
6b Motor Leg Right SCORE SAME as 6a  
7 Limb ataxia Absent 0
Present in one limb 1
Present in two limbs 2
8 Sensory Normal 0
Partial sensory loss 1
Severe sensory loss 2
9 Best Language No aphasia 0
Mild-mod aphasia 1
Severe aphasia 2
Mute 3
10 Dysarthria None 0
Mild-mod dysarthria 1
Severe dysarthria 2
Intubated 3
11 Extinction No neglect 0
& inattention Partial neglect 1
Complete neglect 2
NIH Stroke Scale: score for each category and total